About Me

Hi, there!

My name is Taylor, and I’m an old soul, creative mind, contemplative writer, and healer in training. My favorite mediums are words, music, paints, and relationships. Currently I’m balancing pursuing a master’s degree in Family Therapy with being a stay-at-home mom. I am a passionate mental health advocate, and I enjoy learning about the human condition. It is an honor to journey alongside clients and learn from them, cultivating strong relationships through authentic communication and vulnerability. When I’m not studying, you can find me curled up with a book, sipping (ie. guzzling) a cup of coffee, or taking our family outside on the Kansas plains in any type of weather. I like to think of myself as a walking contradiction. 

  • The adventure-seeking homebody, coziest at home surrounded by my people and always daydreaming about our next trip.
  • Love the fast-paced atmosphere in a city but need the quiet spaces of the country. 
  • I’m a friendly extrovert and friend collector who relishes in time to gather my thoughts.
  • A “free-spirited” mom (according to my husband) and I constantly use Google for child-rearing advice. 
  • I like to dream big (“let’s open coffeeshop/bookstore/bakery/event space one day!”) but I often battle the quiet criticisms of my own inadequacies. 
  • The mountains call me frequently. I love to hike, but my sweet-tooth is forever slowing me down.

Maybe you feel the pushes and pulls of life too? Hands wide open for new experiences but a heart seeking out home, those are the truths I know to hold close. I used to think these feelings made me a little crazy, but now I know I’m just human and grateful for the grace that comes with being so.

Why Prairie Pines?

I’ve been blogging for five years but writing creatively for nearly a lifetime. Originally, this started out as a blog exploring my way through my early twenties. As life started to fast-forward, it has morphed into a creative outlet and a place of connection. In the past three years, I moved two states, shifted careers, married my sweet husband, started growing our family, decided to stay home full-time, and pursue a Master’s degree. (Whew – what a whirlwind!) When I look back on my previous posts, I smile at the memories collected and reflect on how much things have changed. Prairie Pines is my reminder to dream for the future but remain true to my core. My roots are deep in the plains of Western Kansas where I grew up the daughter of a third generation wheat farmer. I’ll always call the Prairie my home. Beautiful pines dotted the landscape of Colorado where our family lived for a few years and reach up to the sky, reminding me to stand tall and strong through any season. Both the prairie and the pines are part of my story, and I’m excited to keep sharing with you.

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